Working For Free And Living With Abundance

Hex sign abundance

Favors, Freebies and Discounts. Where do we draw the line and should we draw the line?

I want to support my favorite charities and delight when my work fills a need. When I can help a friend or relative, it is a blessing for both of us. Usually.

We have all been there. That uncomfortable moment when we know we are overextending ourselves and resentment is creeping in. It doesn’t have to be this way and we do not need to react by saying a firm ‘no’ to all future pro bono work.

The solution has to do with understanding our time is a limited commodity, as is our money. Take a quiet break and a pad of paper and write down a budget for types of donated work with time allotments for each per week and  month. Study your list, are you uncomfortable? Edit until you feel satisfied.

Working free, free of resentment, contributes to a life of abundance.

For more detail about working for free, check this article by Marc Zegans.

Do you have any tips on handling requests for pro bono work? How to you manage your yes and no response?

How to Build the Stamina You Need As An Entrepreneur

How have you been starting your day? Is that working for you?


I snuck onto the cover of "Entrepreneur&q...

At, Jen Groover shares very helpful recommendations  that will boost our productivity. She likens stamina to a muscle we have control over to develop or not.
Listen to Jen Groover in this 60 second video as she makes a compelling case for an entrepreneur’s vital need for stamina and how to tap into your personal stamina building habits. How to Build the Stamina You Need As An Entrepreneur


What is one habit you can change or eliminate to increase your stamina? What positive habit do you have that just revs up your stamina?